Tech Support Scams
Here's how they work:
You get a call from someone who says he’s a computer technician. He might say he’s from a well-known company like Microsoft, or maybe your internet service provider. He tells you there are viruses or other malware on your computer. He says you’ll have to give him remote access to your computer or buy new software to fix it.
But is the caller who he says he is? Judging by the complaints to the Federal Trade Commission, no. These scammers might want to sell you useless services, steal your credit card number, or get access to your computer to install malware, which could then let them see everything on your computer.
Here’s what you can do:
- Hang up. Never give control of your computer or your credit card information to someone who calls you out of the blue.
- Pass this information on to a friend. You might know these calls are fakes, but chances are you know someone who doesn’t.
Please Report Scams
If you spot a scam, please report it to the Federal Trade Commission.
- Call the FTC at 1-877-FTC-HELP
(1-877-382-4357) or TTY 1-866-653-4261 - Go online:
Your complaint can help protect other people. By filing a complaint, you can help the FTC’s investigators identify the imposters and stop them before they can get someone's hard-earned money. It really makes a difference.