Water and Sewer

What We Do

The Water and Sewer Division represents the public in matters brought before the Utilities Commission involving regulated water and sewer utility companies. The operations of these regulated water and sewer utilities are monitored regarding rates and service.  Audits are conducted to review and evaluate utility companies’ expenses, plant-in-service, capital expenditures, and revenues. Investigations are performed to review and evaluate design, construction, and operations. Reports and correspondence from the Utilities Commission and other state agencies are reviewed regarding compliance with water quality and service.

The Water/Sewer Division can be reached at 919-880-1837 or Click here to email.

Who We Regulate

In general, anyone furnishing water services to fifteen (15) or more residential customers or sewer services to a customer for compensation is a public utility subject to regulation by the Utilities Commission. In addition, anyone furnishing water services for compensation to non-residential type customers, regardless of the number is subject to regulation by the Utilities Commission. 

The following utility companies are not regulated by the Utilities Commission: 

  • Water operations with less than 15 residential customers;
  • Municipal or County systems;
  • Sanitary Districts;
  • Mobile Home Parks, where water/wastewater is included in rent;
  • Homeowners’ Associations serving only their own members; and
  • An entity that has a specific exemption approved by the Utilities Commission.

Rules and information for individuals wishing to resell water and sewer utility services in apartment complexes and mobile home parks can be found here. Rules on Resale of Water and Sewer.

Water Quality and Sewage Discharge

The Utilities Commission does not directly regulate drinking water quality or the discharge of treated sewage. Divisions within the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) are directly responsible for these areas, but the Utilities Commission requires water and sewer companies to comply with the rules issued by DEQ’s Division of Water Resources.  Utilities providing water service must comply with the rules and regulations established by DEQ’s Public Water Supply Section.  Utilities that provide sewer services must comply with DEQ’s Water Quality Permitting Section rules and regulations in this regard.